Saturday, July 28, 2012

This blog which I titled, Yo Soy Baban, is part tribute to my grandfather and part chronicle of my running which I will document until my participation in the NYC ING Marathon next year.  In sports I have had many influences and owe my love to sports to my father Pastor Cruz, my uncle Erick Nunez and most recently my grandfather Abraham Nunez.

Este Blog, la cual he nombrado Yo Soy Baban, es en parte tributo a mi Abuelo Baban y parte cronica de mis corridas la cual documentare hasta mi participacion en el Maraton de NY en el 2013.  En deportes he tenido muchas influencias y le debo mi amor al deporte a my papa Pastor Cruz, mi tio Erick Nunez y el mas reciente mu abuelo Abraham Nunez.

My running began in 2009 at first to lose weight by joining the NYRR and eventually running in several races.  It was in November 2009 that I took a trip to the Dominican Republic to join my grandfather in a 10k race.  My grandfather, Abraham Nunez Levy, at that time was 99 and had run in the same 10k for the past 24 years.  It was the first time I ever joined him and I made it a goal to go every year after that.  In 2011 I was unable to go and I felt that that was his last race.  A few weeks later my grandfather stumbled and fractured his femur which laid him in a cast and then in a wheel chair. He has since then healed and is walking without the assistance of a cane.

Empece corriendo en el 2009 primer con la intencion de perder peso a lo cual me inscribi al club de correr New York Road Runners.  En Noviembre de ese mismo ano viaje a la Republica Dominicana para acompanar a mi abuelo en la carrera 10K de codetel.  Mi abuelo en ese entonces tenia 99 anos de edad y habia participado en la misma por ya 24 anos.  Fue la primera vez que participe al lado de el y prometi ir todos los anos despues de ese.  En el ano 2011 falle en esa promesa y tuve un presentimiento que ese iba ser su ultima participacion.  Un tiempo despues, mi abuelo tuvo una caida en la cual se fracturo el femur.  Esta caido lo dejo debilitado por un tiempo pero ya se ha recuperado y camina sin ayuda de un baston.

Shortly after his participation in the 2011 race he was honored like never before, something which filled him with much joy.  He was interviewed on TV and was on numerous newspapers.  He felt like he finally got the recognition he earned.  He is nearing 102 years of age and every moment with him is precious.  This year a number of his son's, including my uncle Abraham who first got him to run the 10k, will go to the Dominican Republic to participate in the race that has defined him as an athlete.  We are all going to be part of what I call #TeamBaban and in keeping with tradition, I designed a shirt that will honor him as a runner.  That first year after I raced with him, I designed a shirt which I gave him as a birthday gift.  The shirt had his silhouette and the words "Si Se Puede"  which translates to "Yes You Can".  This was the cheer he received as he crossed the finish line of the race.  The following year I designed another shirt as a gift to him.  This year I wanted to design something that highlighted that spirit of a runner that he embodied for so many years.  The design is 3 simple letters, YSB, Yo Soy Baban which translates to "I am Baban".  I feel that we all have that spirit in us and that it is not just exclusive to my family.  I would like to have the discipline and dedication that he had for a quarter of a century.  And his dedication went beyond running for he was dedicated to his family and made many sacrifices in order for his family to have a better life. 

Despues de su participacion del 5k Claro en el 2011 fue homenajeado como nunca, algo que lo lleno de mucho orgullo.  Fue entrevistado en la TV y salio en numeroso articulos de periodicos.  Por fin sintio que recibio el honor que se debia.  Este ano se acerca a los 102 anos y cada momento con el es precioso.  Este Noviembre participaran sus hijos, incluyendo el que lo introdujo al 10K de Codetel, en la carrera que lo definio como atleta.  Seremos parte de lo que denomino #TeamBaban y como tradicion le disene una camisa que le hace tributo com corredor.  Despues de la primera vez que corri con el, le disene una camisa como regalo de cumpleanos.  La camisa tenia el lema, Si Se Puede.  Esto fue el grito de la gente al recibir a mi abuelo al cruzar la meta.  Este ano, quize disenar algo diferente que resalta su espiritu de corredor la cual yo pienso llevamos todos.  El diseno son 3 simple letras, YSB, Yo Soy Baban.

So I invite all who have been inspired by someone to follow me in my journey to NYC ING Marathon 2013.  I have been since 2009 a member of the New York Road Runners club and this year for the first time I will be completing the 9+1 program for guaranteed entrance into the ING Marathon.  I have 5 races under my belt and 4 to go with my last race being a Half-Marathon followed by my trip to Santo Domingo to race along with my uncles the 10k my grandfather is known for.  Untli the next post, keep running.....

Invito a todos que han sido inspirado a seguirme en mi jornada al Maraton de NY.  Hasta la proxima, sigan corriendo.....

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